Donnerstag, 31. März 2016

Belgrade, 6th of April

Библиотека града Београда




Светислав Травица 
Владимир Стојнић 
Ненад Милошевић 
и аутор

Среда, 6. април 2016. у 19.00, Римска дворана

Библиотека града Београда, Кнез Михаилова 56

Mittwoch, 30. März 2016

Serbian TV about my poems

My program in Serbia

My book of poems in Serbian translation by Svetislav Travica will be promoted in April in Serbia. The program looks like this:
6. April - City library of Belgrade, 19:00. A. Makushinski, N. Milosevic, S.Travica. Vladimir Stojnic
7. April - Centre of culture Becej, 18:00. Alexei Makushinsky, Nenad MIlosevic, Svetislav Travica
8. April - Serbian Society of writers, Belgrade,19:00. A Makushinsky, N. Milosevic. S.Travica
9. April - Centre of culture Novi Sad. A. Makushinsky, N. Milosevic. S. Travica

Donnerstag, 24. März 2016

A journey begins with the buying of a ticket. I am going to stay in Belgrade from the 3rd to the 12th of April. There will be some presentations in Serbia, dates will be announced.

Samstag, 12. März 2016


Meine Seite auf der Homepage des "Hanser-Verlags":

Serbian TV about my poems

Serbian television about my book of poetry (from the 19th minute on) . Nenad Milosevic seems to say interesting things about it, unfortunately I don't understand everything. I hope he'll translate it for me when we meet in Belgrad. I am very grateful... Thank You, Nenad!

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